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Ffeast Community Gathering - July 8th with Eni Ac
Ffeast Community Gathering - July 8th with Eni Ac

Fri, 08 Jul


Bryn Llys

Ffeast Community Gathering - July 8th with Eni Ac

Welcoming local Blues-folk master Eniac to the fireside 🎸🔥

Registration is Closed
See other events

Timings and Location:

08 Jul 2022, 18:00 – 21:00

Bryn Llys, Coed y Parc, Bethesda, North Wales, Bangor LL57 4YW, UK

The finer details:

**Scroll down for English**

Yn ddiolchgar ac yn gyffrous i groesawu Eniac i Ffeast y mis hwn.  Gyda chefndir wedi’i ysbrydoli gan gerddoriaeth blues a gwerin cynnes, mae cerddoriaeth Eniac yn enghraifft wych o feistrolaeth gitâr a llais.  Mae hon yn mynd i fod yn noson hardd ac addfwyn!

Byddwn yn mwynhau bwydlen â thema Americanaidd o’r tân, i gydnabod gwreiddiau’r Blues sy’n ysbrydoli’r noson.

Nodwch mai digwyddiad i oedolion yw hwn yn bennaf, ond mae croeso i chi ddod â'ch plant gyda chi.  Cofiwch ei fod yn yr awyr agored.  Argymhellir dillad cynnes, poteli dŵr poeth a blancedi yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn!

Mae pedwar math gwahanol o docynnau isod.  Mae un ar gyfer plant dan 12 oed ac mae un hefyd ar gyfer pobl ifanc rhwng 12 a 18 oed sy'n dod gyda'u rhieni/gwarcheidwad.

Mae'r mathau eraill o docynnau ar gyfer pob oedolyn 18+ i'w hystyried.  Rydym yn eich annog i dalu'r gyfradd gonsesiwn os byddai talu'r ffi uwch yn golygu na allwch ddiwallu eich anghenion sylfaenol o ran bwyd, iechyd neu deithio.  Yn ei hanfod, talwch fwy os oes modd ichi wneud hynny, talwch lai os nad oes.

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld chi yno!

******Ffeast #12 July Blues******

Grateful and excited to be welcoming Eniac to this months Ffeast.  With a warm blues and folk inspired background, Eniac's music is a fine example of guitar and voice mastery.  This is set to be an beautiful and mellow evening!

From the fire we will be enjoying an American themed menu, a nod to the roots of the blues inspiration of the evening.

Please note this is primarily an adult event though you are welcome to bring your children with you.  Remember it is outdoors.  Warm clothing, hot water bottles and blankets are recommended at any time of year!

There are four different ticket types below.  One is for under 12's and there is also one for young people between the ages of 12 and 18 years who are coming along with their parents/guardian.

The other ticket types are for all adults 18+ to consider.  We encourage you to pay the concession rate if paying the higher fee would mean that you cannot meet your basic food, health or travel needs.  In essence, pay more if you have, pay less if you don't.

We look forward to seeing you there!


  • Cyffredinol / General - £24

    Sale ended
  • Consesiwn / Concession- £18

    Sale ended
  • Dan 12 / Under 12s


    Sale ended
  • 12-18 oed / 12-18 years

    Sale ended



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